Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Acts 12:5-10

O.k. It will be a while before I have pictures.....and I have no idea how long a while is.It's taking forever to finish because I can't make up my mind on the colors!

So I was reading in Acts today and this is what God showed me. In Acts 12, Herod put Peter in prison basically for a political reason. He didn't break any law, he had just ruffled some feathers of some of the non-believing Jews, and Herod saw that it would please them to have Peter killed. But the awesome thing is, the church was praying. It says in vs. 5 "So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him." The most important word to me in that sentence is the little word, BUT. "But the church was earnestly praying". And because the church was praying, his chains fell off, the gate opened, he was set free and his life was saved!

That's so amazing!! I could spend an hour on this......
Just in closing, remember this -

When the church prays, chains are Broken, Doors are Opened, and peoples lives WILL BE SAVED. Amen



Anonymous said...

That's great news. I have issues with faith sometimes, thinking prayer just sometimes doesn't have the power that I know it's supposed to...a good read to start my day! Thanks!

Mark Hancock said...

Thanks, Natalie. And thanks for dropping in to my blog every once in awhile.