Thursday, May 12, 2011

House For Sale

We faced a deep struggle and temptation last year in wanting to go to Southwestern. But the more we sought after it, the less peace we had. And finally, the Lord told us so clearly to wait.
Over the last months, we have felt the Lord telling us that it’s time to move in that direction. Every word that we receive from the Lord is “go”. This is totally different than last year, when every word was, “wait”. And I think the greatest thing of all is the peace from His Holy Spirit that we did not have before.
So for us right now, “Go” means that we need to sell our house.
It went on the market last Wednesday, May 4th. Thursday the 5th, Misti Peppard received a call from a couple wanting to look at it. They had already driven by and wanted to take a look on the inside. They set up an appointment for yesterday at 5:45pm.
I have asked so many to pray that if they are to get the house, that they would know as soon as they walked through the door. From the way Misti described, it sounds like God answered our prayer and beyond. They already wanted it before they even set foot inside. We are now waiting to see if they will be able to get financing. If they get pre-approved in the next 2 days, Misti will start working on the contract.
We know that the house belongs to the Lord. And He will sell it if that is His will in Heaven!

I am so thankful for Misti Peppard who is showing our house for us. She is such a blessing. We would be pulling our hair out trying to do this on our own.